아무래도 개발자들이 계속 늘어남에 따라 기존의 Ribbit 플랫폼 기반 서비스 개발을 위해 무료로 제공해 주던 free call / free sms 등을 신용카드 결제정보와 연동하도록 바꿀 모양입니다.
다행히도 미리 Ribbit Developer 커뮤니티에 참가한 기존 개발자들은 향후 90일간 현재의 무료 서비스들을 그대로 이용할 수 있게 해주고 추가로 $25 credit 을 준다는군요. ( 그래봐야 개발하고 있는 게 없는데 -_-;; )
단계에 걸친 마이그레이션 후 4월 10일부터는 모든 신규 기능들을 이용할 수 있도록 할 계획이랍니다.
아래는 Ribbit Developer 커뮤니티에서 날라온 이메일 전문.
Dear Ribbit Developer
Thanks for being a part of the Ribbit developer community. Over the next few weeks we will be rolling out a number of new services, a new developer model, a self-service path to monetization as well as significant infrastructure and UI improvements.
New Services and Functionality
International Calling
Voice-to-Text Transcriptions
Public Access Call Tokens (i.e. multi-login and widget deployment)
Add and Manage Sub-Users
Self-Service Payments via Credit Cards
RESTful API (in Beta) - 2-Way SMS-Enabled Numbers (UK)
New Developer Model
We believe that innovation and new forms of interactivity will come from the ability to create rich, complex interactions using multiple services. In order to make these services available to all developers, Ribbit will be moving to a model where developer accounts will be charged for overages beyond the free allowances. As our developer community grows, we are doing our best to balance our desire to give developers as much freedom as possible to develop with our services against our need to manage costs, particularly in today’s environment. We trust that you understand this balance and will engage us in conversation during this process.
As a thank-you for being a part of our early adopter community — for the next 90 days — your Ribbit Developer account will be automatically configured with a special plan to allow continued use of the free services you’ve been receiving as well as an opportunity to add an additional $25 in free credits to try out our new services.
Infrastructure Improvements
As part of this release, we are migrating all developer accounts from the current developer sandbox to the production instance of the Ribbit Platform. This will result in a more robust service, enhanced support options and access to the full-suite of Ribbit Platform capabilities. One side-effect of the migration will be that existing call logs, messages and contacts will not be migrated, however all of your applications, recorded names, recorded greetings and your purpose phone number will not be affected.
Self-Service Path to Monetization
The new release will enable developers to create a billing account with Ribbit using a credit card. Upon establishing a billing relationship with Ribbit, usage and monetization limits placed on developer accounts will be lifted and developers will be free to monetize their applications and access previously restricted international dialing and messaging features.
This migration will occur in two phases, with the first phase starting on March 17th and completing by March 28th. Pending completion of final testing, the second part of the migration will be completed by April 10th. After this date, all of the new services listed above will be available.
We will send out more information on specific features and functionality as we get closer to the final migration dates. In the meantime you can discuss the new features, pricing or other questions in the Ribbit Developer Forums: Platform & Dev Portal Upcoming Releases.
Thank you for your support,
Team Ribbit
안녕하세요 님의 글을 잘 읽었습니다.
답글삭제글을 읽고 님의 도움을 요청하고자 합니다.
제가 Ribbit로 어플리케이션을 만들려구 하는데요
Credit 을 구입하구 어플리케이션을 만들어 SMS를 제 폰으로 받으려구 하는데 안되네요.
혹시 사용법을 알고 계시면 알려주실수 있으신지요
다음은 에러 로그입니다.
1240215995421[DEBUG] api::RibbitServices :: new... add event:callLogsSummary, event map size:7
1240215995421[DEBUG] api::RibbitServices :: new... add event:messageCreated, event map size:8
1240215995437[DEBUG] api::RibbitServices :: new... add event:messageStateChange, event map size:9
1240215995437[DEBUG] api::RibbitServices :: new... add event:messagesLoaded, event map size:10
1240215995437[DEBUG] api::RibbitServices :: new... add event:messageSent, event map size:11
1240215995453[DEBUG] api::RibbitServices :: new... add event:updateMessage, event map size:12
1240215995453[DEBUG] api::RibbitServices :: new... add event:newVoicemail, event map size:13
1240215997000[DEBUG] proxy::NetConnectionProxy :: <-- [17]:messageProxy-rtmp <-- getcallloglist <event type="getcallloglist" transactionid="17" status="ok" encoding="plain-text"> ...[length=1] active=1
1240216039593[DEBUG] controller::MessagingCommander :: --> [object MessageManager] executing [object MessagingCommander]
1240216039593[DEBUG] proxy::NetConnectionProxy :: --> [18]:messageProxy-rtmp --> sendsms <event type="sendsms" mobile="0118201062250458" text="test message" subject="test" component="msgbox" transactionid="18"/>
1240216040250[DEBUG] proxy::NetConnectionProxy :: <-- [18]:messageProxy-rtmp <-- sendsms <event type="sendsms" transactionid="18" status="error" errorstr="Failed to send SMS. Carrier name = 'null', number = '8201062250458'" errorcode="-5" encoding="plain-text"/> active=1
@imjoy - 2009/04/20 17:28
답글삭제현재(2009/04/21) Ribbit에서는 미국내의 4개 이통사인 Verizon, T-Mobile, ATT, Alltel에 한해서 SMS 를 지원하고 있는듯 합니다. 에러 메세지의 carrier null로 나오는 것도 그래서 그런 것 같구요.
http://developer.ribbit.com/help#Q21 참고하세요.