
Amazon CloudFront 퍼블릭 베타 서비스 시작

오늘 아침에 aws(amazon web services) 쪽에서 CloudFront 의 public beta 서비스를 알리는 이메일을 수신했습니다.

CloundFront 는 aws에서 제공하는 CDN(Content Delivery Network) 서비스의 이름인데, 이메일에서 이야기하고 있는 CloudFront 의 장점은 다음과 같습니다.

  • lets you get started easily there's no need to contact a sales person or negotiate a contract. Anyone can get started in just minutes with only a credit card.
  • works seamlessly with Amazon S3 - you can start delivering your files stored in Amazon S3 through CloudFront edge locations in a matter of minutes.
  • is simple and easy to use - a single API call is all that's needed to get started delivering your content.
  • lets you pay only for what you use there are no minimum fees and no long-term commitments.

한줄 요약을 하자면

  • 귀찮은 과정 없이 신용카드로 결재만 하면 금방 쓸 수 있고 저렴하다.


CloudFront 사이트에서 확인한 U.S. Edge Location 의 GB당 전송 비용 및 request 당 비용은

Data Transfer

$0.170 per GB – first 10 TB / month data transfer out
$0.120 per GB – next 40 TB / month data transfer out
$0.100 per GB – next 100 TB / month data transfer out
$0.090 per GB – data transfer out / month over 150 TB


$0.010 per 10,000 GET requests

로써 아시아쪽 Edge Location 인 Japan Edge Location 이나 HongKong Edge Location 은 좀 더 비싸군요. ( Japan 이 가장 비쌈 )

Edge 서버가 있으니 당연히 Origin  서버도 필요할텐데 위에서 언급했듯이 Origin Server 는 Amazon S3 ( Simple Storage Service ) 를 통해서 이루어지기 때문에 간단히 해결됩니다.

이메일 원문 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

Dear AWS Customer,

Today, we're excited to announce the public beta of Amazon CloudFront, a new web service for content delivery. With CloudFront, you can distribute content using a worldwide network of edge locations that provide low latency and high data transfer speeds. CloudFront works seamlessly with other AWS services such as Amazon S3, and like all AWS services, is self-service with no up-front commitments, no long-term contracts and pay-as-you-go pricing. You can sign up for CloudFront - and begin using it today - at aws.amazon.com/cloudfront.

The initial release lets developers and businesses deliver popular, publicly readable content worldwide. CloudFront has a number of exciting features that differ from many traditional methods of content delivery. It:

  • lets you get started easily there's no need to contact a sales person or negotiate a contract. Anyone can get started in just minutes with only a credit card.
  • works seamlessly with Amazon S3 - you can start delivering your files stored in Amazon S3 through CloudFront edge locations in a matter of minutes.
  • is simple and easy to use - a single API call is all that's needed to get started delivering your content.
  • lets you pay only for what you use there are no minimum fees and no long-term commitments.

To Use Amazon CloudFront, all you need to do is store your objects in Amazon S3 (make sure they are publicly readable), then, make a simple API call to register your bucket with CloudFront. This API call will return a new domain name for you to include in your web pages or application. When clients request an object using this domain name, they will be automatically routed to the nearest edge location used by Amazon CloudFront for fast delivery of your content. No negotiations, no upfront fees, and no volume commitments. It's that simple.

You can learn more about Amazon CloudFront and get started using the service at aws.amazon.com/cloudfront.


The Amazon CloudFront Team

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